Monday, February 16, 2009

iTunes completely messed up my track list. Sorry.

This show was full of technical problems. The whole time, what I thought would be one track, was in fact another!!

Whats a DJ if she doesn't know the order of her tracks?


Here it is, straight and in order for you, though if you listen to the archive I'll have told you something else! Yar..

Mayer Hawthorne & The CountyªªªªJust Ain't Gonna Work Out
dial81ªªªªElection Day (Cosmic Handshakes)
Leaf EriksonªªªªRain Delay
Asylum 7 & Zo!ªªªªSimplicity
SlouchªªªªThe Wires (The Great Mundane Remix)
The Great MundaneªªªªIn Theory
The FuntouchablesªªªªGet Back ft. Lil Riley Fizzle
Erik L (Detroit CYDI producer from Sweden)ªªªªSpace Traveller Outro
14KTªªªªWithout Dilla (Donut 4 Dilla)
dial81ªªªªFunky Candidate Remix by Furs
E.SpleeceªªªªThinking and Thinking ft. Perilelle
MilaneseªªªªCognac (Symbols of Mu)
KevinªªªªSaunderson Deep Space Techno
SamiyamªªªªStreetlights (rap beats vol 1.)
RideOut & Terry ColeªªªªLet Me Live - The City
dial81ªªªªIt All Went Up In Smoke
Black MilkªªªªThe Matrix
DrexciyaªªªªLost Vessel
Theo ParrishªªªªSpace Ghosts
Midcoast MostªªªªAs Good As It Gets
Magestik LegendªªªªBaby Girl ft. Kashia
SachªªªªFor The Love of Hip Hop
D.S. SenseªªªªOdyssey produced by Cream of Beats and owner/operator of the brand new 808 Magazine out of the D. Keep an eye out for features on local producers and their gear.

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