Wednesday, December 23, 2009

'nother present, holiday oriented post

KERO.FM to find DJ sets, vids, graphics, and in the future archives on cjam.
Click any icon in the background to find more music or pick a category to explore.
Kero is always a major part of dope shows. See this last DPS joint w/ Punisher, Kero brought the graphix

And yesterday he released the Antichance EP with his collab-collective Re:group (Kero, David Sumner aka Function, Carl O'Connor aka Regis) on mp3 (previously only available on vinyl) on beatport . Each track was made in part by either Kero, Dave or Carl and they got their pals Jesse Somfay, Colin Zykowski and Punisher on the remixes.

You can also catch his show on CJAM every Sunday night from 2-4AM (KeroFM) and some fun studio streams at his new keroblog, hit the lounge tab!

Happy Holidaze

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